You can cut cholesterol without drugs by following various simple steps that will not only change your cholesterol readings, but also touch up your health today and in the future. So often we use a prescription medication and wish it will magically heal whatever bothers us. The reality is prescription medicines for lowering cholesterol do work. The inconvenience is both the short-term and long-term side effects.
Even more threatening than the side effects of prescription medicines to lower cholesterol is not causing cholesterol under control. Over time, high cholesterol can lead to several diseases of the heart and arteries, not the least of which are atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), stroke or heart attack.
Here are five moves you can take today to lower your cholesterol without prescription medications.
Eat Good Diet: It may sound simple, but diet has such a consequential impact on lowering cholesterol that it should be the number-one factor you look at in deciding if your high cholesterol is natural or a matter of dietary picks. A low-fat and low-cholesterol nutrition is the primary step toward lowering cholesterol.
Workout and Exercise: Improving cardiovascular health is a step toward overthrowing the effects of high cholesterol. Exercise itself doesn’t immediately lower cholesterol, but will fortify the heart and complete circulatory system.
Stop Smoking: If you smoke, the plaque build-up in the arteries due to high cholesterol is hastened. When plaque chokes the drift of blood to the heart, the muscle has to work harder to bring oxygen. This can cause to heart problems. If the arteries get totally clogged with plaque from high cholesterol, then a stroke can occur.
Take Good Rest: Chronic stress can simulate cholesterol levels too. If you are always stressed and feeding a low-cholesterol diet, you may not see any progress in cholesterol readings until you determine to relieve stress.
Talk to Your Physician: Not every doctors are keen on prescribe medications. In fact, the more sophisticated doctors will advise you form a diet and exercise plan that is appropriate for your existing overall health and abilities as an initial step toward lowering cholesterol. It is always significant to ask your physician if your judgement to follow a specific diet or exercise plan is good for you. In addition, do not stop taking medicines before conferring with your doctor. You can lower your cholesterol with diet and aerobics and under the supervision of your doctor, see about taking off drugs from the course.
It does not take long to see noteworthy recoveries in your cholesterol. Lower cholesterol can be brought under control in just a matter of weeks.

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